Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just Because U Birth A Child Don't Make U A Mother

A lot of woman and people all together is getting the birthin' kids and mother all mixed up. See a mother would do all that she can for her kids even if she has to go with out. A mother dosen't put her own needs before her kids nor do she put them in situations that she can't get them out of. A mother will nurish her kids back to health when they is sick and need that mothers touch. A mother stay on her knees praying for her kids while they out doing what they do on the daily. A mother will work her ass off to make sure that her kids have a warm place to sleep, food to eat, and clothes on they back. That is what a mother is that birth kids.
Now woman that just birth kids will put her needs before her childern. She would let her children starve while she eat and do what the fuck she want to do. Not only do she think about her self the most but she will put her men in place of her kids and let the men call the shouts. She leave her kids on someone else to raise while she hoe the streets and because her men say that they don't want a woman with kids so its either them or him and like the bitch she is, she will choose the man and take the kids to the neaiest realitive or the father if he is around and if he ain't then either grandma get'em or the state will send them from foster home to foster home. See woman like dis don't need to be fuckin if they can't take care of what the help create. Bad enough some of the kids have to grow up woundering why daddy isn't around or who they dad is but when a mother the one that supose to be dere when the dad isn't turn her back on her kids for a man or own selfish needs, what the fuck is you sayin to them kids? They didn't ask to be put here no more than you wanted them. If you ain't gonna take care of ya kids and love them the right way rape ya  nigga's dick's up or you get ya ass on birrh control, the patch or something or just don't fuck at all.
Now a days u seen more men being mother and father and you see the woman wanna run the streets like they aint' got a care in the world. Own up to ya responceabilities and stop running from them. You just can't throw ya kids away like you do ya men or women. Stop taking the kids through that shit. If you was man and woman enough to lay on ya back and open ya legs then be the same way when you have ya kids on this earth.

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